I'm a "river" and shocked by the description! It's all about what motivates me and why I'm here on Substack. It was a nice reminder to keep going, and it made me nostalgic about all those Buzzfeed quizzes lol. Thanks, Olivia!

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aw i love that. i was surprised by my own result (river as well) but it really highlights the things which are important to me— community and storytelling. my friend the other day mentioned Quizilla which is a SERIOUS throwback, lmao!

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Apparently I'm a glacier! Crazy that I'm "antisocial" when the wife tells me: "you go make new friends, I'll get introduced to them by you later"..

I don't know what's the best thing that happened to me recently to be honest.. This year's a blur..

And my hobby is running I think.. or photography.. The idea of being not only present, but attentively present is something I need more of because I'm losing focus increasingly hah.

Currently, this is what I'm listening to! https://open.spotify.com/track/0TLlqPa3d0xF7F8T4RRVsN?si=222a49be8a2f4cde unfortunately, it's on Spotify..! But if not, then here's another link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpvt-A7NprU

And no, I don't have TikTok cause I am doomed already with attention span I have, I don't want to add to it hah. But I've had my moment of going viral somehow during the NY marathon, but my tweet got picked by a newspaper in Valencia, Spain hah.

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hahah maybe i should re-write that line of the quiz results! weirdly i was getting a lot of river/volcano results but as soon as i took the quiz to substack it was like... GLACIER TOWN.

i also don't have tiktok but everyone so often something from it breaks into my bubble. i had it for a while but once it got to the point i was closing the app and it felt like waking up from a 3-week coma, i knew i couldn't hack it anymore!

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Do you have a hobby that lets you completely detach from screens and reality? YES, running. I even ditched the Apple Watch and use a Garmin that's like 5 years old or something.. just takes me completely away from everything, and makes me fully present because there are sometimes SNAKES on the trail, or turkey vultures in the trees looking at me, or my heart wants to explode because the hill is too steep.

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i love the idea of downgrading tech! may you avoid all the snakes on your trails 🐍

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1. I remember going "viral" when a newspaper picked up on a tweet I made about a (supposed) feud between Anderson Cooper and a Filipino newsreader. I put "viral" in quotes because print media made it more prominent, so... ha, I just remembered that story.

2. The whole "there are three newsletters to read" thing is why I initially planned my Substack to be published once a month!

3. As a frustrated journalist, I still know what 'lede' means.

4. Looking forward to the new single! May I be able to find a way to put it to my playlists on that Substack. As for what I'm listening to right now, right now... "Escape" by Rupert Holmes. It's on the radio, I can't help it, but I love that song.

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oh the old viral tweet thing! i remember once making a tweet about steely dan playing coachella (think this was like 10 years ago) and some article picked it up and totally misunderstood my intent. my tweet was something like "steely dan are playing coachella i want to throw myself off a cliff" but i meant it like "I WANT TO BE AT COACHELLA SEEING STEELY DAN", the article lumped me in with all these people who hated steely dan. i got some man tweeting me telling me i should listen to some steely dan lmao it was a whole thing.

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I bet there was the urge to go, "guys, I am a Rafferty—I am somehow related to Steely Dan!"

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Jul 11Liked by olivia rafferty

Ok now to the meat of my comment as I don't want to make into an essay. Being able to decompress is universal and anyone who is under stress, be it for work, a relationship, a life choice etc. Needs to take time out just for themselves.

I worked so hard and made money but made myself sick doing it and ended up in hospital. Something had to change, and it was my mind and attitude that did. Now I am not willing putting myself under stress if I can help it. And take everything as it comes, actively searching for things that will help me, mentally, physically or spiritually.

So taking time out for yourself, is just sanity coming to the fore. We all love attention from strangers or friends of family, but the most attention comes to yourself and what makes you feel good and be a better person.

Choose your own way to recharge and give yourself a chance to recover.

FWIW, it is on my own off time when I find I am most creative given that I don't have much to think about when no one else is needing my time.

Funny how that works out.

Hey ho.

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so true! and i like that idea of being able to give yourself attention rather than needing it from other people.

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Jul 11Liked by olivia rafferty

Interesting, and I am glad you got some notice for that. Coincidently enough, that other artist I pointed to, made the same point and why making physical media is actually something that makes sense in the age of streaming for pennies.

It is why I bought your physical media as soon as it was available. I prefer to have something I own and if it is better for you, well it's win-win.

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A week of NO media??? Gulp

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