Hey Olivia! New reader here, and very excited to dive into your archives soon. 🤿 I enjoyed this post and was reminded of Lian Cho's this week on a similar topic: liantomato.substack.com/p/becoming-a-planner-girlie
Just picked up Krista Tippett's "Becoming Wise" and I'm already fascinated. I could talk books all day!
Hi Erika! thanks for joining the fun! and thanks for pointing me to Lian Cho's piece -- I looooove seeing other people's planners. I think she and I have had similar approaches of stopping-and-starting when it comes to planners haha.
that book looks so interesting! one of those ones where I bet you read the blurb but it doesn't scratch the surface of what it's really like. might have to have a look...
i used to use Goodreads but since changed to Storygraph for reading tracking online. i prefer goodreads for discovering books but like storygraph's trackers.
In London a few years ago we had a play with Ralph Fiennes playing Robert Moses, it was called 'Straight Line Crazy.' Never got to go see it but met some of the actors who were in it and it sounded really interesting from what they told me.
i commiserate with mustard's human intern on reading their car manuals. manuals are one of those things that should be read but simultaneously, should never have to be read
thank you Ginny! i think total consolidation is hard, i normally have a few books on the go but have been enjoying carving out time to make stuff in at least one book a week.
Hey Olivia! New reader here, and very excited to dive into your archives soon. 🤿 I enjoyed this post and was reminded of Lian Cho's this week on a similar topic: liantomato.substack.com/p/becoming-a-planner-girlie
Just picked up Krista Tippett's "Becoming Wise" and I'm already fascinated. I could talk books all day!
Hi Erika! thanks for joining the fun! and thanks for pointing me to Lian Cho's piece -- I looooove seeing other people's planners. I think she and I have had similar approaches of stopping-and-starting when it comes to planners haha.
that book looks so interesting! one of those ones where I bet you read the blurb but it doesn't scratch the surface of what it's really like. might have to have a look...
1. I have been a sort of bullet journal guy for a few years now. But, like we all do, sort of broke it down to what I need.
2. I use Goodreads as a sort of reading tracker.
3. 'The Power Broker'
4. I mean, none really. Reading is good.
i used to use Goodreads but since changed to Storygraph for reading tracking online. i prefer goodreads for discovering books but like storygraph's trackers.
In London a few years ago we had a play with Ralph Fiennes playing Robert Moses, it was called 'Straight Line Crazy.' Never got to go see it but met some of the actors who were in it and it sounded really interesting from what they told me.
Do you, or have you kept a bullet journal? Mustard's human intern has not kept a bullet journal but they are now considering it.
Do you keep a reading journal, or a reading tracker? Mustard's human intern does have a reading journal. They find it very helpful.
What’s the a book you’ve read recently that you loved? Mustard's human intern recently read "Frankenstein" and loved it.
What’s a book you’ve read recently that you HATED? Mustard's human intern recently read their car manual and had no desire to do so again.
i commiserate with mustard's human intern on reading their car manuals. manuals are one of those things that should be read but simultaneously, should never have to be read
Your journal is wonderful! I keep a few scattered notebooks but would like to consolidate and really flesh it out, as you’ve done here.
thank you Ginny! i think total consolidation is hard, i normally have a few books on the go but have been enjoying carving out time to make stuff in at least one book a week.