1. Have you ever seen a live wrestling match and DO YOU LOVE IT AS MUCH AS I DO

- Mustard has attended many wrestling events. They had the pleasure of seeing New Japan Professional Wrestling (their favorite promotion) live. It was so much fun.

Do you currently write a newsletter? How is it going for you? Do you want to start one?

- Mustard does. They run a music publication that interviews independent musicians from all over the world. It is going well!

If you were a wrestler what song would you want to walk out to?

- Mustard would come out to "Mr Smiley" by Mustard Plug

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Haha, very good stuff.

I saw friggin Macho Man vs. Ric Flair in the deep south way back in the day. Unreal.

My walk out song would be "It's Raining Men" but I may be too cis normie to pull it off. :(

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i think you could pull it off! just gotta lean into that magic mike energy

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I'd guess I'd also have to hit the gym. No deal. :)

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Have you ever seen a live wrestling match and DO YOU LOVE IT AS MUCH AS I DO

Just a few :) From WWE house shows to NOAH tours to Deathmatch tournaments, and all in the UK! I got to see the FWA debut of PAC (it was about a year in to his career) and that was great and the last UK matches of Sheamus & Drew before they left for WWE. I couldn't say best match I have seen in person but best show was defintely the first Dragon Gate European Invasion back in 2009. Last show I attended was All In last year.

Do you currently write a newsletter? How is it going for you? Do you want to start one?

No newsletter as such, just my stories :)

If you were a wrestler what song would you want to walk out to?

I have thought about this several time. I think it would either be 'Good Show' by Dive Dive, a band I adore so hopefully more people would check them out. Failing that it would probably be 'Lost' by Bring Me The Horizon.

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